240 mph+ (384 Km), 0-60 dalam 3.2 detik. Mesin BMW S70/2 60 Degree V12 dengan 627 hp. Buatan Jerman dan Inggris, harga jual $970,000.
McLaren F1 adalah mobil super yang dirancang dan diproduksi oleh McLaren Automotive . Originally a concept conceived by Gordon Murray , he convinced Ron Dennis to back the project and engaged Peter Stevens to design the exterior of the car. Awalnya konsep dikandung oleh Gordon Murray , dia meyakinkan Ron Dennis ke belakang proyek dan terlibat Peter Stevens untuk desain eksterior dari mobil. On 31 March 1998, it set the record for the fastest road car in the world, topping at 231 mph (372 km/h) with rev limiter on, and 240 mph (386.24 km/h) with rev limiter removed. Pada tanggal 31 Maret 1998, itu mengatur catatan untuk mobil jalan raya tercepat di dunia, topping di 231 mph (372 km / jam) dengan rev limiter , dan 240 mph (386,24 km / jam) dengan rev limiter dihapus.
The car features numerous proprietary designs and technologies; it is lighter and has a more streamlined structure than even most of its modern rivals and competitors despite having one seat more than most similar sports cars, with the driver's seat located in the middle (and slightly forward of the passengers seating position providing excellent driving visibility). Mobil ini memiliki desain eksklusif banyak dan teknologi, melainkan lebih ringan dan memiliki struktur yang lebih ramping daripada bahkan kebanyakan dari saingan modern dan pesaing meskipun memiliki satu kursi lebih dari mobil sport paling mirip, dengan kursi pengemudi yang terletak di tengah (dan sedikit ke depan dari posisi duduk penumpang menyediakan visibilitas berkendara yang sangat baik). It features a powerful engine and is somewhat track oriented, but not to the degree that it compromises everyday usability and comfort. Fitur mesin yang kuat dan agak melacak berorientasi, tetapi tidak dengan derajat yang kompromi kegunaan sehari-hari dan kenyamanan. It was conceived as an exercise in creating what its designers hoped would be considered the ultimate road car. Ia disusun sebagai latihan dalam menciptakan apa yang diharapkan desainer akan dianggap sebagai mobil jalan raya utama. Despite not having been designed as a track machine, a modified race car edition of the vehicle won several races, including the 24 Hours of Le Mans in 1995, where it faced purpose-built prototype race cars. Meski tidak memiliki dirancang sebagai mesin trek, ras dimodifikasi mobil edisi kendaraan memenangkan beberapa balapan, termasuk 24 Jam Le Mans pada tahun 1995, di mana ia menghadapi mobil prototipe tujuan-dibangun ras. Production began in 1992 and ended in 1998. Produksi dimulai pada 1992 dan berakhir pada tahun 1998. In all, 106 cars were manufactured, with some variations in the design. [ 2 ] Secara keseluruhan, 106 mobil yang diproduksi, dengan beberapa variasi dalam desain. [2]
In 1994, the British car magazine Autocar stated in a road test regarding the F1, "The McLaren F1 is the finest driving machine yet built for the public road." Pada tahun 1994, majalah Autocar mobil Inggris dinyatakan dalam tes jalan tentang F1, "adalah The McLaren F1 mesin penggerak terbaik belum dibangun untuk jalan umum." and that "The F1 will be remembered as one of the great events in the history of the car, and it may possibly be the fastest production road car the world will ever see.". [ 3 ] dan bahwa "F1 akan dikenang sebagai salah satu peristiwa besar dalam sejarah mobil, dan mungkin dapat menjadi mobil produksi jalan tercepat dunia pernah akan melihat."
Desain dan implementasi
Chief engineer Gordon Murray 's design concept was a common one among designers of high-performance cars: low weight and high power. Chief engineer Gordon Murray 's konsep desain adalah satu umum di antara perancang mobil performa tinggi: berat badan rendah dan daya tinggi. This was achieved through use of high-tech and expensive materials like carbon fibre , titanium , gold , magnesium and kevlar . Hal ini dicapai melalui penggunaan bahan-bahan berteknologi tinggi dan mahal seperti serat karbon , titanium , emas , magnesium dan Kevlar . The F1 was the first production car to use a carbon-fibre monocoque chassis. F1 adalah mobil produksi pertama yang menggunakan serat karbon monocoque sasis.Gordon Murray had been thinking of a three-seat sports car since his youth, but when Murray was waiting for a flight home from the fateful Italian Grand Prix in 1988 , he drew a sketch of a three seater sports car and proposed it to Ron Dennis . Gordon Murray telah berpikir dari sebuah mobil sport tiga kursi sejak muda, tetapi ketika Murray sedang menunggu penerbangan pulang dari naas Grand Prix Italia di 1988 , dia menggambar sketsa mobil sport dan tiga seater yang diusulkan untuk Ron Dennis . He pitched the idea of creating the ultimate road car , a concept that would be heavily influenced by the company's Formula One experience and technology and thus reflect that skill and knowledge through the McLaren F1. Dia bernada ide untuk menciptakan mobil jalan utama, sebuah konsep yang akan sangat dipengaruhi oleh pengalaman Formula Satu perusahaan dan teknologi dan dengan demikian mencerminkan bahwa keterampilan dan pengetahuan melalui McLaren F1.
Murray declared that [ 4 ] "During this time, we were able to visit with Ayrton Senna (the late F1 Champion) and Honda 's Tochigi Research Center. The visit related to the fact that at the time, McLaren's F1 Grand Prix cars were using Honda engines. Although it's true I had thought it would have been better to put a larger engine, the moment I drove the Honda NSX , all the benchmark cars—Ferrari, Porsche, Lamborghini—I had been using as references in the development of my car vanished from my mind. Of course the car we would create, the McLaren F1, needed to be faster than the NSX, but the NSX's ride quality and handling would become our new design target. Being a fan of Honda engines, I later went to Honda's Tochigi Research Center on two occasions and requested that they consider building for the McLaren F1 a 4.5 litre V12 or V14. I asked, I tried to persuade them, but in the end could not convince them to do it, and the McLaren F1 ended up equipped with a BMW engine." Murray menyatakan bahwa [4] "Selama ini, kami dapat mengunjungi dengan Ayrton Senna (Juara F1 akhir) dan Honda 's Tochigi Research Center. Kunjungan berkaitan dengan fakta bahwa pada saat itu, McLaren F1 Grand Prix mobil menggunakan mesin Honda. Meskipun benar saya pikir akan lebih baik untuk menempatkan mesin yang lebih besar, saat aku mengemudikan Honda NSX , semua patokan mobil-Ferrari, Porsche, Lamborghini-aku telah menggunakan sebagai referensi dalam pengembangan mobil saya lenyap dari benakku Tentu saja mobil yang kami akan menciptakan, McLaren F1, harus lebih cepat dari NSX,. tapi kualitas naik NSX dan penanganan akan menjadi target desain baru kami. Menjadi penggemar mesin Honda, saya kemudian pergi ke Honda Tochigi Research Center pada dua kesempatan dan meminta bahwa mereka menganggap bangunan untuk McLaren F1 adalah 4,5 V12 liter atau V14. aku bertanya, saya mencoba membujuk mereka, tetapi pada akhirnya tidak bisa meyakinkan mereka untuk melakukannya, dan McLaren F1 berakhir dilengkapi dengan mesin BMW. "
Later, a pair of Ultima MK3 kit cars, chassis numbers 12 and 13, "Albert" and "Edward", the last two MK3s, were used as "mules" to test various components and concepts before the first cars were built. Kemudian, sepasang Ultima kit mobil MK3, sasis nomor 12 dan 13, "Albert" dan "Edward", dua terakhir MK3s, digunakan sebagai "bagal" untuk menguji berbagai komponen dan konsep sebelum mobil pertama dibangun. Number 12 was used to test the gearbox with a 7.4 litre Chevrolet V8 to mimic the torque of the BMW V12, plus various other components like the seats and the brakes. Nomor 12 digunakan untuk menguji gearbox dengan 7,4 liter V8 Chevrolet untuk meniru torsi dari BMW V12, ditambah berbagai komponen lainnya seperti kursi dan rem. Number 13 was the test of the V12, plus exhaust and cooling system. Nomor 13 adalah uji, knalpot V12 ditambah dan sistem pendingin. When McLaren was done with the cars they destroyed both of them to keep away the specialist magazines and because they did not want the car to be associated with "kit cars". Ketika McLaren dilakukan dengan mobil yang mereka menghancurkan mereka berdua untuk mengusir majalah spesialis dan karena mereka tidak ingin mobil yang akan terkait dengan "mobil kit".
The car was first unveiled at a launch show, 28 May 1992, at The Sporting Club in Monaco . Mobil itu pertama kali diperkenalkan di pameran peluncuran, 28 Mei 1992, di The Sporting Club di Monaco . The production version remained the same as the original prototype (XP1) except for the wing mirror which, on the XP1, was mounted at the top of the A-pillar . Versi produksi tetap sama sebagai prototipe asli (XP1) kecuali untuk cermin sayap yang, di XP1 tersebut, dipasang di bagian atas pilar A- . This car was deemed not road legal as it had no indicators at the front; McLaren was forced to make changes on the car as a result (some cars, including Ralph Lauren 's, were sent back to McLaren and fitted with the prototype mirrors). Mobil ini dianggap tidak jalan hukum karena tidak memiliki indikator di bagian depan; McLaren dipaksa untuk melakukan perubahan pada mobil sebagai hasil (beberapa mobil, termasuk Ralph Lauren 's, dikirim kembali ke McLaren dan dilengkapi dengan cermin prototipe) . The original wing mirrors also incorporated a pair of indicators which other car manufacturers would adopt several years later. Kaca spion asli juga dimasukkan sepasang indikator yang produsen mobil lain akan mengadopsi beberapa tahun kemudian.
The car's safety levels were first proved when during a testing in Namibia in April 1993, a test driver wearing just shorts and t-shirt hit a rock and rolled the first prototype car several times. Tingkat keselamatan mobil pertama kali terbukti ketika selama pengujian di Namibia pada bulan April 1993, tes driver hanya mengenakan celana pendek dan t-shirt memukul batu dan berguling mobil prototipe pertama beberapa kali. The driver managed to escape unscathed. Sopir berhasil melarikan diri tanpa cedera. Later in the year, the second prototype (XP2) was especially built for crashtesting and passed with the front wheel arch untouched. Kemudian di tahun itu, prototipe kedua (XP2) terutama dibangun untuk crashtesting dan lulus dengan lengkungan roda depan tersentuh.
[ edit ] Engine [ sunting ] Mesin
[ edit ] History [ sunting ] Sejarah
Gordon Murray insisted that the engine for this car be naturally aspirated to increase reliability and driver control. Turbochargers and superchargers increase power but they increase complexity and can decrease reliability as well as introducing an additional aspect of latency and loss of feedback. Gordon Murray bersikeras bahwa mesin untuk mobil ini secara alami disedot untuk meningkatkan kehandalan dan kontrol pengemudi. Turbocharger dan supercharger meningkatkan kekuatan tetapi mereka meningkatkan kompleksitas dan dapat mengurangi kehandalan serta memperkenalkan aspek tambahan latency dan kehilangan umpan balik. The ability of the driver to maintain maximum control of the engine is thus decreased. Kemampuan pengemudi untuk mempertahankan kontrol yang maksimum dari mesin dengan demikian menurun. Murray initially approached Honda for a powerplant with 550 bhp (410 kW; 560 PS), 600 mm (23.6 in) block length and a total weight of 250 kg (551 lb), it should be derived from the Formula One powerplant in the then-dominating McLaren/Honda cars..... Murray awalnya mendekati Honda untuk powerplant dengan 550 bhp (410 kW; 560 PS), 600 mm (23,6 in) panjang blok dan berat total 250 kg (551 lb), itu harus berasal dari powerplant Formula Satu di kemudian McLaren mendominasi-/ Honda mobil .....When Honda refused, Isuzu , then planning an entry into Formula One , had a 3.5 V12 engine being tested in a Lotus chassis. Ketika Honda menolak, Isuzu , lalu merencanakan masuk ke Formula Satu , memiliki mesin 3,5 V12 sedang diuji dalam Lotus chassis. The company was very interested in having the engine fitted into the F1. Perusahaan ini sangat tertarik untuk memiliki mesin dipasang ke F1. However, the designers wanted an engine with a proven design and a racing pedigree. Namun, desainer ingin mesin dengan desain yang telah terbukti dan silsilah balap.
[ edit ] Specifications [ sunting ] Spesifikasi
In the end BMW took an interest, and the motorsport division BMW M headed by engine expert Paul Rosche [ 5 ] designed and built Murray a 6.1 L (6064 cc) 60-degree V12 engine called the BMW S70/2 . [ 6 ] At 627 hp (468 kW; 636 PS) and 266 kg (586 lb) the BMW engine ended up 14% more powerful and 16 kg (35 lb) heavier than Gordon Murray's original specifications, with the same block length. Pada akhirnya BMW mengambil minat, dan divisi motorsport BMW M yang dipimpin oleh ahli mesin Paulus Rosche [5] dirancang dan dibangun Murray L 6.1 (6064 cc) 60 derajat V12 disebut BMW S70 / 2 . [6] Pada 627 hp (468 kW; 636 PS) dan 266 kg (586 lb) mesin BMW berakhir 14% lebih kuat dan 16 kg (35 lb) lebih berat dari spesifikasi asli Gordon Murray, dengan panjang blok yang sama. It has an aluminium alloy block and head, with 86 mm (3.4 in) x 87 mm (3.4 in) bore/stroke, quad overhead camshafts with variable valve-timing (a relatively new and unproven technology for the time) for maximum flexibility of control over the four valves per cylinder, and a chain drive for the camshafts for maximum reliability. Ini memiliki paduan aluminium blok dan kepala, dengan 86 mm (3,4 in) x 87 mm (3.4 in) bore / stroke, camshaft overhead yang quad-waktu dengan katup variabel (teknologi yang relatif baru dan belum terbukti untuk waktu) untuk fleksibilitas maksimum kontrol atas empat katup per silinder, dan rantai drive untuk camshaft untuk keandalan yang maksimum. The engine is dry sump . Mesin bah kering .The carbon fibre body panels and monocoque required significant heat insulation in the engine compartment, so Murray's solution was to line the engine bay with a highly efficient heat-reflector: gold foil. Panel karbon tubuh serat dan monocoque diperlukan panas yang signifikan insulasi di kompartemen mesin, jadi solusi Murray adalah garis teluk mesin dengan reflektor panas yang sangat efisien: emas foil. Approximately 16 g (0.8 ounce) of gold was used in each car. [ 7 ] Sekitar 16 g (0,8 ons) emas digunakan dalam setiap mobil. [7]
The road version used a compression ratio of 11:1 to produce 627 hp (468 kW; 636 PS) [ 6 ] at 7400 rpm and torque output of 480 ft·lb (651 N·m) at 5600 rpm. [ 8 ] The engine has a redline rev limiter set at 7500 rpm. Versi jalan menggunakan rasio kompresi untuk menghasilkan 627 11:01 hp (kW 468; 636 PS) [6] pada 7400 rpm dan torsi 480 ft output · lb (651 N · m) pada 5600 rpm. [8] Para mesin memiliki redline rev limiter ditetapkan pada 7500 rpm.
In contrast to raw engine power, a car's power-to-weight ratio is a better method of quantifying acceleration performance than the peak output of the vehicle's powerplant. Berbeda dengan kekuatan mesin baku, mobil power-to-weight ratio adalah metode yang lebih baik mengukur kinerja percepatan daripada output puncak powerplant kendaraan. The standard F1 achieves 550 hp/ton (403 kW/tonne), or just 3.6 lb/hp. F1 standar mencapai 550 hp / ton (403 kW / ton), atau hanya 3,6 lb / hp. Compare with the Ferrari Enzo at 434 hp/ton (314 kW/tonne) (4.6 lb/hp), the Bugatti Veyron at 530.2 hp/ton (395 kW/tonne) (4.1 lb/hp), and the SSC Ultimate Aero TT with 1003 hp/ton (747.9 kW/tonne) (2 lb/hp). Bandingkan dengan Ferrari Enzo di 434 hp / ton (314 kW / ton) (4.6 lb / hp), dengan Bugatti Veyron di 530,2 hp / ton (395 kW / ton) (4.1 lb / hp), dan SSC Ultimate Aero TT dengan 1003 hp / ton (747,9 kW / ton) (2 lb / hp).
The cam carriers, covers, oil sump, dry sump, and housings for the camshaft control are made of magnesium castings. Operator cam, meliputi, bah minyak, bah kering, dan rumah untuk kontrol camshaft yang terbuat dari coran magnesium. The intake control features twelve individual butterfly valves and the exhaust system has four Inconel catalysts with individual Lambda-Sond controls. Kontrol asupan fitur dua belas katup kupu-kupu individu dan sistem pembuangan memiliki empat Inconel katalis dengan individu Lambda-Sond kontrol. The camshafts are continuously variable for increased performance, using a system very closely based on BMW's VANOS variable timing system for the BMW M3; [ 9 ] it is a hydraulically-actuated phasing mechanism which retards the inlet cam relative to the exhaust cam at low revs, which reduces the valve overlap and provides for increased idle stability and increased low-speed torque. Camshaft terus variabel untuk meningkatkan kinerja, menggunakan sistem yang sangat erat berdasarkan waktu variabel sistem BMW VANOS untuk BMW M3; [9] ini adalah mekanisme hidrolik digerakkan pentahapan yang menghambat cam inlet relatif terhadap cam pembuangan di revs rendah , yang mengurangi tumpang tindih katup dan menyediakan untuk stabilitas meningkat dan meningkat menganggur kecepatan rendah torsi. At higher RPM the valve overlap is increased by computer control to 42 degrees (compare 25 degrees on the M3) [ 9 ] for increased airflow into the cylinders and thus increased performance. Pada RPM tinggi tumpang tindih katup meningkat dengan kontrol komputer untuk 42 derajat (bandingkan 25 derajat di M3) [9] untuk aliran udara ke dalam silinder meningkat dan dengan demikian kinerja meningkat.
To allow the fuel to atomise fully the engine uses two Lucas injectors per cylinder, with the first injector located close to the inlet valve – operating at low engine RPM – while the second is located higher up the inlet tract – operating at higher RPM. Untuk memungkinkan bahan bakar untuk mesin atomise sepenuhnya menggunakan dua injeksi per silinder Lucas, dengan injektor pertama terletak dekat dengan katup inlet - beroperasi pada RPM mesin rendah - sedangkan yang kedua terletak lebih tinggi saluran inlet - beroperasi pada RPM tinggi. The dynamic transition between the two devices is controlled by the engine computer. [ 9 ] Transisi dinamis antara kedua perangkat dikontrol oleh mesin komputer. [9]
Each cylinder has its own miniature ignition coil. Setiap silinder memiliki pengapian coil mini sendiri. The closed-loop fuel injection is sequential. Injeksi bahan bakar loop tertutup adalah sekuensial. The engine has no knock sensor as the predicted combustion conditions would not cause this to be a problem. Mesin tidak memiliki knock sensor sebagai kondisi pembakaran diprediksi tidak akan menyebabkan ini menjadi masalah. The pistons are forged in aluminium. Piston yang ditempa dalam aluminium.
Every cylinder bore has a nikasil coating giving it a high degree of wear resistance. [ 9 ] Setiap lubang silinder memiliki Nikasil lapisan memberikan tingkat tinggi ketahanan aus. [9]
From 1998 to 2000, the Le Mans –winning BMW V12 LMR sports car used a similar S70/2 engine. Dari tahun 1998 hingga 2000, Le Mans yang memenangkan BMW V12 LMR mobil sport menggunakan mesin S70 / 2 serupa.
The engine was given a short development time, causing the BMW design team to use only trusted technology from prior design and implementation experience. Mesin diberi waktu pengembangan yang pendek, menyebabkan tim BMW desain untuk menggunakan teknologi hanya terpercaya dari desain sebelumnya dan pengalaman implementasi. The engine does not use titanium valves or connecting rods. Mesin tidak menggunakan katup titanium atau menghubungkan batang. Variable intake geometry was considered but rejected on grounds of unnecessary complication. [ 9 ] Geometri variabel asupan dianggap namun ditolak dengan alasan komplikasi yang tidak perlu. [9]
As for fuel consumption, the engine achieves on average 15.2 mpg (15 L/100 km), at worst 9.3 mpg (25 L/100 km) and at best 23.4 mpg (10 L/100 km). [ 3 ] Adapun konsumsi bahan bakar, mesin mencapai rata-rata 15,2 pada mpg (15 l/100 km), paling buruk 9,3 mpg (25 l/100 km) dan 23,4 mpg terbaik (10 l/100 km). [3]
[ edit ] Chassis and body [ sunting ] Sasis dan tubuh
The McLaren F1 was the first production road car to use a complete carbon fibre reinforced plastic ( CFRP ) monocoque chassis structure. [ 10 ] Aluminium and magnesium were used for attachment points for the suspension system, inserted directly into the CFRP. [ 11 ] McLaren F1 adalah mobil produksi pertama jalan menggunakan serat karbon yang diperkuat plastik lengkap ( CFRP ) struktur sasis monocoque. [10] Aluminium dan magnesium digunakan untuk titik attachment untuk sistem suspensi, dimasukkan langsung ke dalam CFRP. [11]The car features a central driving position – the driver's seat is located in the middle, ahead of the fuel tank and ahead of the engine, with a passenger seat slightly behind and on each side. [ 12 ] The doors on the vehicle move up and out when opened, and are thus of the type butterfly doors . Mobil ini memiliki posisi mengemudi pusat - kursi pengemudi berada di tengah, di depan tangki bahan bakar dan di depan mesin, dengan kursi penumpang sedikit di belakang dan di setiap sisi. [12] Para pintu di kendaraan bergerak ke atas dan ketika dibuka, dan dengan demikian dari pintu kupu-kupu jenis.
The engine produces high temperatures under full application and thus cause a high temperature variation in the engine bay from no operation to normal and full operation. Mesin menghasilkan suhu tinggi di bawah aplikasi lengkap dan dengan demikian menyebabkan variasi suhu tinggi di teluk mesin dari tidak ada operasi ke operasi normal dan penuh. CFRP becomes mechanically stressed over time from high heat transfer effects and thus the engine bay was decided to not be constructed from CFRP. [ 13 ] CFRP menjadi mekanis menekankan dari waktu ke waktu dari efek perpindahan panas tinggi dan dengan demikian mesin bay diputuskan untuk tidak dibangun dari CFRP. [13]
[ edit ] Aerodynamics [ sunting ] Aerodinamika
The overall drag coefficient on the standard McLaren F1 is 0.32, [ 14 ] compared with 0.36 for the faster Bugatti Veyron , and 0.357 for the SSC Ultimate Aero TT , which was the fastest production car from 2007 to 2010. Keseluruhan koefisien drag pada standar McLaren F1 adalah 0,32, [14] dibandingkan dengan 0,36 untuk cepat Bugatti Veyron , dan 0,357 untuk SSC Ultimate Aero TT , yang merupakan mobil produksi tercepat 2007-2010. The vehicle's frontal area is 1.79 square metres and the total Cx is 0.57. Daerah frontal kendaraan adalah 1,79 meter persegi dan Cx total 0,57. Because the machine features active aerodynamics [ 6 ] [ 7 ] [ 15 ] these are the figures presented in the most streamlined configuration. Karena mesin fitur aerodinamis aktif [6] [7] [15] ini adalah angka yang disajikan dalam konfigurasi yang paling efisien.The normal McLaren F1 features no wings to produce downforce (compare the LM and GTR editions); however, the overall design of the underbody of the McLaren F1 in addition to a rear diffuser exploits ground effect to improve downforce which is increased through the use of two electric Kevlar fans to further decrease the pressure under the car. [ 16 ] A "high downforce mode" can be turned on and off by the driver. [ 16 ] At the top of the vehicle, there is an air intake to direct high pressure air to the engine with a low pressure exit point at the top of the very rear. [ 16 ] Under each door is a small air intake to provide cooling for the oil tank and some of the electronics. [ 16 ] The airflow created by the electric fans not only increase downforce, but the airflow that is created is further exploited through design, by being directed through the engine bay to provide additional cooling for the engine and the ECU. [ 16 ] At the front, there are ducts assisted by a Kevlar electric suction fan for cooling of the front brakes. [ 16 ] McLaren F1 yang normal tidak ada fitur untuk menghasilkan downforce sayap (membandingkan LM dan edisi GTR), namun, desain keseluruhan dari bagian bawah bodi dari McLaren F1 di samping belakang diffuser mengeksploitasi efek tanah untuk meningkatkan downforce yang meningkat melalui penggunaan dua kipas listrik Kevlar untuk lebih lanjut menurunkan tekanan di bawah mobil. [16] Sebuah "mode downforce tinggi" dapat dihidupkan dan dimatikan oleh pengemudi. [16] Di bagian atas kendaraan, ada asupan udara untuk langsung tinggi tekanan udara ke mesin dengan titik keluar tekanan rendah di bagian atas sangat belakang. [16] Di bawah setiap pintu adalah asupan udara kecil untuk menyediakan pendinginan untuk tangki minyak dan beberapa elektronik. [16] Aliran udara yang diciptakan oleh penggemar listrik tidak hanya meningkatkan downforce, tetapi aliran udara yang dibuat lebih jauh dieksploitasi melalui desain, dengan menjadi diarahkan melalui teluk mesin untuk menyediakan pendinginan tambahan untuk mesin dan ECU. [16] Pada bagian depan, ada saluran dibantu oleh sebuah Kevlar listrik hisap kipas untuk pendinginan rem depan. [16]
There is a small dynamic rear spoiler on the tail of the vehicle, which will adjust dynamically and automatically attempt to balance the centre of gravity of the car under braking [ 7 ] – which will be shifted forward when the brakes are applied. Ada sebuah spoiler belakang kecil dinamis pada ekor kendaraan, yang akan menyesuaikan secara dinamis dan otomatis berusaha untuk menyeimbangkan pusat gravitasi mobil di bawah pengereman [7] - yang akan bergeser ke depan saat rem diterapkan. Upon activation of the spoiler, a high pressure zone is created in front of the flap, and this high pressure zone is exploited—two air intakes are revealed upon application that will allow the high pressure airflow to enter ducts that route air to aid in cooling the rear brakes. [ 16 ] The spoiler increases the overall drag coefficient from 0.32 to 0.39 and is activated at speeds equal to or above 40 mph (64 km/h) by brake line pressure. [ 9 ] Setelah aktivasi spoiler, zona tekanan tinggi dibuat di depan flap, dan ini zona tekanan tinggi dimanfaatkan dua intake udara yang terungkap pada aplikasi yang akan memungkinkan aliran udara tekanan tinggi untuk memasuki saluran bahwa udara rute untuk membantu dalam pendinginan rem belakang. [16] spoiler meningkat koefisien seret keseluruhan 0,32-0,39 dan diaktifkan pada kecepatan yang sama dengan atau di atas 40 mph (64 km / jam) dengan tekanan rem baris. [9]
[ edit ] Suspension [ sunting ] Suspensi
Steve Randle, who was the car's dynamicist, was appointed responsible for the design of the suspension system of the McLaren F1 machine. [ 9 ] It was decided that the ride should be comfortable yet performance-oriented, but not as stiff and low as that of a true track machine , as that would imply reduction in practical use and comfort as well as increasing noise and vibration, which would be a contradictory design choice in relation to the former set premise – the goal of creating the ultimate road car . Steve Randle, yang dynamicist mobil, ditunjuk bertanggung jawab untuk desain dari suspensi sistem mesin McLaren F1. [9] Diputuskan bahwa perjalanan harus nyaman belum berorientasi kinerja, tapi tidak kaku dan rendah seperti yang dari mesin trek yang benar, seperti yang akan berarti pengurangan dalam penggunaan praktis dan kenyamanan serta meningkatkan kebisingan dan getaran, yang akan menjadi pilihan desain bertentangan dalam kaitannya dengan premis menetapkan mantan - tujuan menciptakan mobil jalan utama.From inception, the design of the F1 vehicle had strong focus on centring the mass of the car as near the middle as possible by extensive manipulation of placement of, inter alia, the engine, fuel and driver, allowing for a low polar moment of inertia in yaw. Dari awal, desain kendaraan F1 memiliki fokus yang kuat pada pemusatan massa mobil sedekat mungkin tengah dengan manipulasi luas penempatan, antara lain, mesin, bahan bakar dan driver, memungkinkan untuk saat kutub rendah inersia di yaw. The F1 has 42% of its weight at the front and 58% at the rear, [ 9 ] this figure changes less than 1% with the fuel load. F1 memiliki 42% dari berat di depan dan 58% di belakang, [9] Angka ini berubah kurang dari 1% dengan beban bahan bakar.
The distance between the mass centroid of the car and the suspension roll centre were designed to be the same front and rear to avoid unwanted weight transfer effects. Jarak antara pusat massa massa mobil dan pusat gulungan suspensi dirancang untuk menjadi sama dari depan dan belakang untuk menghindari efek yang tidak diinginkan mentransfer berat badan. Computer controlled dynamic suspension were considered but not applied due to the inherent increase in weight, increased complexity and loss of predictability of the vehicle. Komputer suspensi dinamis dikontrol dianggap tetapi tidak diterapkan karena kenaikan berat badan yang melekat, kompleksitas meningkat dan hilangnya prediktabilitas dari kendaraan.
Damper and spring specifications: 90 mm (3.5 in) bump, 80 mm (3.1 in) rebound with bounce frequency at 1.43 Hz at front and 1.80 Hz at the rear. [ 9 ] Despite being sports oriented, these figures imply a soft ride and inherently decrease track performance. Peredam dan musim semi spesifikasi:. 90 mm (3,5 in) benjolan, 80 mm (3,1 in) rebound dengan frekuensi 1,43 Hz bouncing di di depan dan 1,80 Hz di bagian belakang [9] Meskipun olahraga berorientasi, angka-angka ini menyiratkan naik lembut dan inheren menurunkan kinerja lagu. As can be seen from the McLaren F1 LM, McLaren F1 GTR et al., the track performance potential is much higher than that in the stock F1 due to fact that car should be comfortable and usable in everyday conditions. Seperti dapat dilihat dari McLaren F1 LM, McLaren F1 GTR et al., Potensi melacak performa jauh lebih tinggi dibandingkan di F1 saham karena fakta bahwa mobil harus nyaman dan dapat digunakan dalam kondisi sehari-hari.
The suspension is a double wishbone system with an unusual design. Suspensi adalah sistem double wishbone dengan desain yang tidak biasa. Longitudinal wheel compliance is included without loss of wheel control, which allows the wheel to travel backwards when it hits a bump – increasing the comfort of the ride. Kepatuhan roda longitudinal dimasukkan tanpa kehilangan kendali roda, yang memungkinkan roda untuk bepergian mundur ketika hits benjolan - meningkatkan kenyamanan perjalanan.
Castor wind-off at the front during braking is handled by McLaren's proprietary Ground Plane Shear Centre – the wishbones on either side in the subframe are fixed in rigid plane bearings and connected to the body by four independent bushes which are 25 times more stiff radially than axially. [ 9 ] This solution provides for a castor wind-off measured to 1.02 degrees per g of braking deceleration. Castor angin-off di depan saat pengereman ini ditangani oleh Kantor Pusat milik McLaren pesawat Shear - yang wishbones di kedua sisi dalam subframe adalah tetap di bantalan pesawat kaku dan terhubung ke tubuh oleh empat semak independen yang 25 kali lebih kaku radial dari aksial. [9] Solusi ini menyediakan untuk kastor angin-off diukur menjadi 1,02 derajat per g pengereman deselerasi. Compare the Honda NSX at 2.91 degrees per g, the Porsche 928 S at 3.60 degrees per g and the Jaguar XJ6 at 4.30 degrees per g respectively. Bandingkan Honda NSX pada 2,91 derajat per g, S 928 Porsche di 3,60 derajat per g dan Jaguar di 4.30 derajat XJ6 per g masing-masing. The difference in toe and camber values are also of very small under lateral force application. Inclined Shear Axis is used at the rear of the machine provides measurements of 0.04 degrees per g of change in toe-in under braking and 0.08 degrees per g of toe-out under traction. [ 9 ] Perbedaan nilai toe dan camber juga yang sangat kecil di bawah aplikasi gaya lateral Axis geser miring digunakan pada bagian belakang mesin memberikan pengukuran 0,04 derajat per g perubahan kaki-di bawah pengereman dan 0,08 derajat per g kaki. -di bawah traksi. [9]
When developing the suspension system the facility of electro-hydraulic kinematics and compliance at Anthony Best Dynamics was employed to measure the performance of the suspension on a Jaguar XL16, a Porsche 928S and a Honda NSX to use as references. Ketika mengembangkan sistem suspensi fasilitas elektro-hidrolik Kinematika dan Dinamika kepatuhan pada Anthony Best digunakan untuk mengukur kinerja suspensi pada, Jaguar XL16 sebuah 928S Porsche dan Honda NSX untuk digunakan sebagai referensi.
Steering knuckles and the top wishbone/bell crank are also specially manufactured in an aluminium alloy. Pengarah buku-buku dan engkol wishbone / bel atas juga khusus diproduksi di paduan aluminium. The wishbones are machined from a solid aluminium alloy with CNC machines . [ 9 ] Para wishbones adalah mesin dari paduan aluminium padat dengan mesin CNC . [9]
[ edit ] Tires [ sunting ] Ban
The McLaren F1 uses 235/45ZR17 front tyres and 315/45ZR17 rear tyres. [ 6 ] These are specially designed and developed solely for the McLaren F1 by Goodyear and Michelin . McLaren F1 menggunakan ban 235/45ZR17 depan dan ban belakang 315/45ZR17. [6] Ini adalah khusus dirancang dan dikembangkan semata-mata untuk McLaren F1 oleh Goodyear dan Michelin . The tyres are mounted on 17-by-9-inch (43 × 23 cm) and 17-by-11.5-inch (430 × 290 mm) cast magnesium wheels, protected by a tough protective paint. Ban sudah terpasang pada 17-by-9-inch (43 × 23 cm) dan 17-by-11.5-inch (430 × 290 mm) cast magnesium roda, dilindungi oleh cat pelindung tangguh. The five-spoke wheels are secured with magnesium retention pins. [ 12 ] Lima-berbicara roda dijamin dengan pin retensi magnesium. [12]The turning circle from curb to curb is 13 m (42.7 ft), allowing the driver two turns from lock to lock. Lingkaran berbalik dari trotoar untuk mengekang adalah 13 m (42,7 kaki), yang memungkinkan pengemudi dua putaran dari kunci untuk mengunci.
[ edit ] Brakes [ sunting ] Rem
The F1 features unassisted, vented and cross-drilled brake discs made by Brembo . F1 fitur rem cakram tanpa bantuan, vented dan cross-drilled yang dibuat oleh Brembo . Front size is 332 mm (13.1 in) and at the rear 305 mm (12.0 in). [ 6 ] [ 9 ] The calipers are all four-pot, opposed piston types, and are made of aluminum. [ 9 ] The rear brake calipers do not feature any handbrake functionality, however there is a mechanically actuated, fist-type caliper which is computer controlled and thus serves as a handbrake. Ukuran 332 mm Front (13,1 in) dan 305 mm di belakang (12,0 in). [6] [9] Para kaliper semua panci empat, jenis piston menentang, dan terbuat dari aluminium. [9] Para rem belakang kaliper tidak memiliki fitur fungsionalitas rem tangan, namun ada, mekanis digerakkan tangan-jenis caliper yang dikendalikan komputer sehingga berfungsi sebagai rem tangan.To increase caliper stiffness, the calipers are machined from one single solid piece (in contrast to the more common being bolted together from two halves). Untuk meningkatkan kekakuan caliper, kaliper adalah mesin dari satu bagian padat tunggal (kontras dengan yang lebih umum yang kabur bersama-sama dari dua bagian). Pedal travel is slightly over one inch. Perjalanan pedal sedikit di atas satu inci. Activation of the rear spoiler will allow the air pressure generated at the back of the vehicle to force air into the cooling ducts located at either end of the spoiler which become uncovered upon application of it. Aktivasi spoiler belakang akan memungkinkan tekanan udara yang dihasilkan di bagian belakang kendaraan untuk memaksa udara ke dalam saluran pendingin yang terletak di kedua ujung spoiler yang menjadi ditemukan pada aplikasi itu.
Servo-assisted ABS brakes were ruled out as they would imply increased mass, complexity and reduced brake feel; however at the cost of increasing the required skill of the driver. [ 9 ] Servo-dibantu rem ABS diperintah keluar sebagai mereka akan menyiratkan massa meningkat, kompleksitas dan merasa rem berkurang;. Tetapi pada biaya peningkatan keterampilan yang diperlukan pengemudi [9]
Gordon Murray attempted to utilize carbon brakes for the F1, but found the technology not mature enough at the time; [ 13 ] with one of the major culprits being that of a proportional relationship between brake disc temperature and friction—ie stopping power—thus resulting in relatively poor brake performance without an initial warm-up of the brakes before use. [ 17 ] As carbon brakes have a more simplified application envelope in pure racing environments this allows for the racing edition of the machine, the F1 GTR , to feature ceramic carbon brakes. [ 5 ] Gordon Murray berusaha untuk memanfaatkan rem karbon untuk F1, tetapi menemukan teknologi tidak cukup matang pada saat itu; [13] dengan salah satu penyebab utama adalah hubungan proporsional antara suhu rem cakram dan gesekan-yaitu menghentikan kekuasaan sehingga mengakibatkan dalam kinerja rem yang relatif miskin tanpa pemanasan awal dari rem sebelum digunakan. [17] Seperti rem karbon memiliki aplikasi yang lebih sederhana amplop di lingkungan balap murni ini memungkinkan untuk edisi balap mesin, GTR F1 untuk fitur keramik rem karbon. [5]
[ edit ] Gearbox and powertrain [ sunting ] Gearbox dan powertrain
The standard McLaren F1 has a transverse 6-speed manual gearbox with an AP carbon triple-plate clutch [ 6 ] contained in an aluminium housing. Standar McLaren F1 memiliki gearbox 6-speed manual melintang dengan sebuah AP karbon triple-plat kopling [6] terkandung dalam perumahan aluminium. The second generation GTR edition has a magnesium housing. [ 5 ] Both the standard edition and the 'McLaren F1 LM' have the following gear ratios: 3.23:1, 2.19:1, 1.71:1, 1.39:1, 1.16:1, 0.93:1, with a final drive of 2.37:1, the final gear is offset from the side of the clutch. [ 6 ] The gearbox is proprietary and was developed by Weismann. [ 18 ] The Torsen LSD (Limited Slip Differential) has a 40% lock. [ 6 ] GTR generasi kedua edisi memiliki perumahan magnesium. [5] Kedua edisi standar dan 'McLaren F1 LM' memiliki rasio roda gigi berikut: 3.23:1, 2.19:1, 1.71:1, 1.39:1, 1.16:1, 0.93:1, dengan final drive dari 2.37:1, gigi akhir offset dari sisi kopling. [6] Gearbox adalah milik dan dikembangkan oleh Weismann. [18] Para LSD Torsen (Limited Slip Differential) telah kunci 40%. [6]The McLaren F1 has an aluminium flywheel that has only the dimensions and mass absolutely needed to allow the torque from the engine to be transmitted. McLaren F1 memiliki roda aluminium yang hanya memiliki dimensi dan massa mutlak diperlukan untuk memungkinkan torsi dari mesin yang akan ditransmisikan. This is done in order to decrease rotational inertia and increase responsiveness of the system, resulting in faster gear changes and better throttle feedback. Hal ini dilakukan dalam rangka mengurangi inersia rotasi dan meningkatkan respon dari sistem, sehingga perubahan gigi lebih cepat dan umpan balik yang lebih baik throttle. This is possible due to the F1 engine lacking secondary vibrational couples and featuring a torsional vibration damper by BMW. [ 9 ] Hal ini dimungkinkan karena mesin F1 kurang pasangan getaran sekunder dan menampilkan peredam getaran torsi oleh BMW. [9]
[ edit ] Interior and equipment [ sunting ] Interior dan peralatan
Standard equipment on the stock McLaren F1 includes full cabin air conditioning , a rarity on most sports cars and a system design which Murray again credited to the Honda NSX , a car he had owned and driven himself for 7 years without, according to the official F1 website, ever needing to change the AC automatic setting. Perlengkapan standar pada saham McLaren F1 termasuk kabin penuh penyejuk udara , suatu keanehan pada mobil sport paling dan desain sistem yang Murray lagi dikreditkan ke Honda NSX , sebuah mobil yang telah dimiliki dan didorong dirinya selama 7 tahun tanpa, menurut F1 resmi situs, pernah perlu untuk mengubah pengaturan AC otomatis. Further comfort features included SeKurit electric defrost/demist windscreen and side glass, electric window lifts, remote central locking, Kenwood 10-disc CD stereo system, cabin access release for opening panels, cabin storage compartment, four-lamp high performance headlight system, rear fog and reversing lights, courtesy lights in all compartments, map reading lights and a gold-plated Facom titanium tool kit and first aid kit (both stored in the car). [ 19 ] In addition, tailored, proprietary luggage bags specially designed to fit the vehicle's carpeted storage compartments, including a tailored golf bag, were standard equipment. [ 12 ] Airbags are not present in the car, [ 3 ] [ 5 ] each customer was given a special edition TAG Heuer 6000 Chronometer wristwatch with its serial number scripted below the centre stem. [ 20 ] Lebih lanjut fitur kenyamanan termasuk SeKurit listrik defrost / demist kaca depan dan kaca samping, jendela lift listrik, kunci sentral jarak jauh, Kenwood 10-disc CD sistem stereo, kabin akses rilis untuk membuka panel, kompartemen kabin penyimpanan, empat lampu lampu kinerja sistem tinggi, belakang kabut dan membalikkan lampu, lampu sopan santun di semua kompartemen, lampu membaca peta dan berlapis emas titanium FACOM kit alat dan perlengkapan pertolongan pertama (keduanya disimpan di dalam mobil). [19] Selain itu, disesuaikan, tas koper milik dirancang khusus agar sesuai kompartemen penyimpanan berkarpet kendaraan, termasuk tas golf disesuaikan, adalah perlengkapan standar. [12] Airbag tidak hadir di dalam mobil, [3] [5] setiap pelanggan diberi edisi khusus TAG Heuer jam tangan 6000 kronometer dengan nomor urut scripted bawah batang pusat. [20]All features of the F1 were, according to Gordon Murray, obsessed over [ 13 ] including the interior. Semua fitur F1 itu, menurut Gordon Murray, terobsesi [13] termasuk interior. The metal plates fitted to improve aesthetics of the cockpit are claimed to be 20 thousandths of an inch (0.5 mm) thick to save weight. [ 13 ] The driver's seat of the McLaren F1 is custom fitted to the specifications desired by the customer for optimal fit and comfort; the seats are hand-made from CFRP and covered in light Connolly leather. [ 12 ] By design, the F1 steering column cannot be adjusted; however, prior to production each customer specifies the exact preferred position of the steering wheel and thus the steering column is tailored by default to those owner settings. Pelat logam dipasang untuk meningkatkan estetika dari kokpit diklaim menjadi 20 ribu inci (0,5 mm) tebal untuk menghemat berat. [13] Kursi pengemudi McLaren F1 dipasang kustom ke spesifikasi yang diinginkan oleh pelanggan untuk yang optimal fit dan kenyamanan; kursi adalah tangan-dibuat dari CFRP dan tertutup dalam cahaya Connolly kulit. [12] Dengan desain, kolom kemudi F1 tidak dapat disesuaikan, namun, sebelum produksi setiap pelanggan menentukan posisi yang diinginkan yang tepat dari roda kemudi dan sehingga kolom kemudi disesuaikan secara default untuk pengaturan tersebut pemilik. The same holds true for the pedals, which are not adjustable after the car has left the factory, but are tailored to each specific customer. [ 3 ] Hal yang sama berlaku untuk pedal, yang tidak disesuaikan setelah mobil telah meninggalkan pabrik, namun disesuaikan untuk setiap pelanggan yang spesifik. [3]
During its pre-production stage, McLaren commissioned Kenwood , the team's supplier of radio equipments, to create a lightweight car audio system for the car; Kenwood, between 1992 and 1998 used the F1 to promote its products in print advertisements, calendars and brochure covers. Selama yang pra-produksi tahap, McLaren menugaskan Kenwood , pemasok tim peralatan radio, untuk membuat ringan audio mobil sistem untuk mobil, Kenwood, antara 1992 dan 1998 digunakan F1 untuk mempromosikan produknya di iklan cetak, kalender dan brosur meliputi . Each car audio system was especially designed to tailor to an individual's listening taste, however radio was omitted because Murray never listened to the radio. Setiap sistem audio mobil dirancang secara khusus untuk menyesuaikan dengan selera individu mendengarkan, namun radio dihilangkan karena Murray tidak pernah mendengarkan radio.
Every standard F1 also has a modem which allows customer care to remotely fetch information from the ECU of the car in order to help aid in the event of a failure of the vehicle. [ 21 ] Setiap F1 standar juga memiliki modem yang memungkinkan pelanggan untuk perawatan jarak jauh mendapatkan informasi dari ECU mobil dalam rangka untuk membantu membantu dalam hal kegagalan dari kendaraan. [21]
[ edit ] Purchase and maintenance [ sunting ] Pembelian dan pemeliharaan
Only 106 cars were manufactured, 64 of which were the standard street version (F1), 5 were LMs (tuned versions), 3 were longtail roadcars (GT), 5 prototypes (XP), 28 racecars (GTR), and 1 LM prototype (XP LM). Hanya 106 mobil yang diproduksi, 64 dari yang versi jalanan standar (F1), 5 adalah LM (versi disetel), 3 adalah Longtail roadcars (GT), 5 prototip (XP), 28 mobil balap (GTR), dan 1 prototipe LM (XP LM). Production began in 1992 and ended in 1998. [ 2 ] At the time of production one machine took around 3.5 months to make. [ 3 ] Produksi dimulai pada 1992 dan berakhir pada tahun 1998. [2] Pada waktu produksi satu mesin waktu sekitar 3,5 bulan untuk membuat. [3]Up until 1998, when McLaren produced and sold the standard F1 models, they had a price tag of around 970,000 USD. [ 6 ] Today the cars can sell for up to nearly twice that of the original price, due to the performance and exclusivity of the machine. Sampai 1998, ketika McLaren diproduksi dan dijual model F1 standar, mereka memiliki tag harga sekitar 970.000 USD. [6] Hari ini mobil dapat menjual hingga hampir dua kali lipat dari harga asli, karena kinerja dan eksklusivitas mesin. They are expected to further increase in value over time. [ 22 ] Mereka diharapkan untuk lebih meningkatkan nilai dari waktu ke waktu. [22]
Although production stopped in 1998, McLaren still maintains an extensive support and service network for the F1. Meskipun produksi berhenti pada tahun 1998, McLaren masih mempertahankan dukungan luas dan jaringan layanan untuk F1. There are eight [ 22 ] authorised service centres throughout the world, and McLaren will on occasion fly a specialised technician to the owner of the car or the service centre. Ada delapan [22] pusat layanan resmi di seluruh dunia, dan McLaren akan pada kesempatan terbang teknisi khusus untuk pemilik mobil atau pusat layanan. All of the technicians have undergone dedicated training in service of the McLaren F1. Semua teknisi telah menjalani pelatihan khusus dalam pelayanan dari McLaren F1. In cases where major structural damage has occurred, the car can be returned to McLaren directly for repair. [ 22 ] Dalam kasus di mana kerusakan struktural utama telah terjadi, mobil dapat dikembalikan ke McLaren langsung untuk perbaikan. [22]
On 29 October 2008, an F1 road car (chassis number 065) was sold at an RM Automobiles of London auction for £2,530,000 (~US$4,100,000). Pada tanggal 29 Oktober 2008, sebuah F1 mobil jalan (nomor rangka 065) adalah dijual pada lelang Mobil RM London untuk £ 2.530.000 (~ US $ 4.100.000). This was the car from the McLaren showroom on Park Lane, London. Ini adalah mobil dari showroom McLaren di Park Lane, London. With only 484 kilometres on its odometer, this pristine example set a world record for the highest price ever paid for an F1 road car. [ 23 ] Dengan hanya 484 kilometer pada odometer nya, contoh ini murni menetapkan rekor dunia untuk harga tertinggi yang pernah dibayar untuk sebuah mobil F1 jalan. [23]
[ edit ] Performance [ sunting ] Kinerja
The F1 remains as of 2011 one of the fastest production cars ever made; as of July 2010 it is succeeded by very few cars including the Saleen S7 , the Koenigsegg CCR , [ 24 ] the Bugatti Veyron , [ 25 ] the SSC Ultimate Aero TT , [ 26 ] and the Bugatti Veyron Super Sport . F1 tetap sebagai salah satu tahun 2011 yang tercepat yang pernah dibuat mobil produksi; per Juli 2010 itu digantikan oleh mobil sangat sedikit termasuk Saleen S7 , yang Koenigsegg CCR , [24] yang Bugatti Veyron , [25] yang SSC Ultimate Aero TT , [26] dan Bugatti Veyron Super Sport . However, all of the superior top speed machines use forced induction to reach their respective top speeds – making the McLaren F1 the fastest naturally aspirated production car in the world. [ citation needed ] Namun, semua mesin kecepatan superior atas menggunakan induksi dipaksa untuk mencapai kecepatan masing-masing atas - membuat McLaren F1 yang tercepat naturally aspirated . produksi mobil di dunia [ rujukan? ][ edit ] Acceleration [ sunting ] Percepatan
- 0-30 mph (48 km/h): 1.8 s [ 3 ] 0-30 mph (48 km / jam): 1,8 s [3]
- 0–60 mph (97 km/h): 3.2 s [ 3 ] 0-60 mph (97 km / jam): 3,2 s [3]
- 0–100 mph (160 km/h): 6.3 s [ 3 ] 0-100 mph (160 km / h): 6.3 s [3]
- 0–124.28 mph (200.01 km/h): 9.4 s [ 27 ] 0-124,28 mph (200,01 km / jam): 9,4 s [27]
- 0–150 mph (240 km/h): 12.8 s [ 3 ] 0-150 mph (240 km / jam): 12,8 s [3]
- 0–200 mph (320 km/h): 28 s [ 3 ] 0-200 mph (320 km / jam): 28 s [3]
- 30 mph (48 km/h)-50 mph (80 km/h): 1.8 s, using 3rd/4th gear [ 3 ] 30 mph (48 km / h) -50 mph (80 km / h): 1.8 s, menggunakan gigi 3rd/4th [3]
- 30 mph (48 km/h)-70 mph (110 km/h): 2.1 s, using 3rd/4th gear [ 3 ] 30 mph (48 km / h) -70 mph (110 km / h): 2.1 s, menggunakan gigi 3rd/4th [3]
- 40 mph (64 km/h)-60 mph (97 km/h): 2.3 s, using 4th/5th gear [ 3 ] 40 mph (64 km / h) -60 mph (97 km / h): 2.3 s, menggunakan gigi 4th/5th [3]
- 50 mph (80 km/h)-70 mph (110 km/h): 2.8 s, using 5th gear [ 3 ] 50 mph (80 km / h) -70 mph (110 km / jam): 2,8 s, menggunakan gigi 5 [3]
- 180 mph (290 km/h)-200 mph (320 km/h): 7.6 s, using 6th gear [ 3 ] 180 mph (290 km / jam) -200 mph (320 km / h): 7.6 s, menggunakan gigi 6 [3]
- 0–400 m: 11.1 s at 138 mph (222 km/h) [ 3 ] 0-400 m: 11.1 s di 138 mph (222 km / h) [3]
- 0–1000 m: 19.6 s at 177 mph (285 km/h) [ 3 ] 0-1000 m: 19,6 s pada 177 mph (285 km / h) [3]
[ edit ] Top speed [ sunting ] Top speed
- With rev limiter on: 231 mph (372 km/h) [ citation needed ] Dengan rev limiter pada: 231 mph (372 km / h) [ rujukan? ]
- With rev limiter removed: 243 mph (391 km/h) [ citation needed ] Dengan rev limiter dihapus: 243 mph (391 km / h) [ rujukan? ]
[ edit ] Track tests [ sunting ] tes Jalur
- Tsukuba Circuit, time trial : 1:04.62 on a hot lap. [ 27 ] Tsukuba Circuit, waktu percobaan: 1:04.62 pada lap panas. [27]
- Millbrook Proving Ground in Bedfordshire, 2-mile (3.2 km) banked circuit, top speed test : An average speed of 195.3 mph (314.3 km/h), with a maximum speed of 200.8 mph (323.2 km/h) (driven by Tiff Needell using the XP5 prototype). [ 28 ] Millbrook Proving Ground di Bedfordshire, 2-mil (3,2 km) sirkuit disimpan, tes kecepatan top: Sebuah kecepatan rata-rata 195,3 mph (314,3 km / jam), dengan kecepatan maksimum 200,8 mph (323,2 km / jam) (didorong oleh Tiff Needell menggunakan prototipe XP5). [28]
- MIRA, 2.82-mile (4.54 km) banked circuit, top speed test : An average speed of 168 mph (270 km/h), with a maximum speed of 196.2 mph (315.8 km/h) (driven by Peter Taylor). [ 28 ] MIRA, 2.82 mil sirkuit (4,54 km) disimpan, tes kecepatan atas:. Sebuah kecepatan rata-rata 168 mph (270 km / jam), dengan kecepatan maksimum 196,2 mph (315,8 km / jam) (didorong oleh Peter Taylor) [ 28]
[ edit ] Record claims [ sunting ] klaim Rekam
The title of "world's fastest production road car" is constantly in contention, especially because the term "production car" is not well-defined. Judul "mobil jalan tercepat dunia produksi" terus-menerus yang akan bersaing, terutama karena "produksi mobil" Istilah tidak didefinisikan dengan baik.The McLaren F1 has a top speed of 240 mph (390 km/h), [ 29 ] restricted by the rev limiter at 7500 rpm. McLaren F1 memiliki kecepatan tertinggi dari 240 mph (390 km / jam), [29] dibatasi oleh rev limiter di rpm 7500. The true top speed of the McLaren F1 was reached in April 1998 by the five-year-old XP5 prototype. Kecepatan puncak sejati dari McLaren F1 dicapai pada bulan April 1998 oleh prototipe lima tahun XP5. Andy Wallace (racer) piloted it down the 9 km straight at Volkswagen's test track in Ehra-Lessien , Germany, setting a new world record of 243 mph (391 km/h) at 8300 rpm. [ 6 ] As Mario Andretti noted in a comparison test, the F1 is fully capable of pulling a seventh gear, thus with a higher gear ratio or a seventh gear the McLaren F1 would probably be able to reach an even greater top speed—something which can also be observed by noticing that the top speed was reached at 7800 rpm while the peak power is reached at 7400 rpm. Andy Wallace (pembalap) diujicobakan menuruni 9 km lurus di jalur uji Volkswagen di Ehra-Lessien , Jerman, menetapkan rekor dunia baru dari 243 mph (391 km / jam) pada 8300 rpm. [6] Sebagai Mario Andretti dicatat dalam uji perbandingan, F1 sepenuhnya mampu menarik gigi ketujuh, sehingga dengan rasio gigi yang lebih tinggi atau gigi ketujuh McLaren F1 mungkin akan mampu mencapai kecepatan sesuatu-bahkan lebih besar atas yang juga dapat diamati dengan memperhatikan bahwa bagian atas Kecepatan dicapai pada 7800 rpm sementara daya puncak dicapai pada 7400 rpm.
[ edit ] Variants [ sunting ] Varian
Variant Variasi | Road Jalan | Prototype Prototipe | Race Ras | Total Total |
F1s F1s | 64 64 | 5 5 | 69 69 | |
F1 LMs F1 LM | 5 5 | 1 1 | 6 6 | |
F1 GTs F1 GTS | 2 2 | 1 1 | 3 3 | |
F1 GTR F1 GTR | 28 28 | 28 28 | ||
Total Total | 71 71 | 7 7 | 28 28 | 106 106 |
[ edit ] Prototypes [ sunting ] Prototipe
Prior to the sale of the first McLaren F1s, five prototypes were built, carrying the numbers XP1 through XP5. [ 29 ] These cars carried minor subtle differences between each other as well as between the production road cars. Sebelum penjualan F1s McLaren pertama, lima prototipe dibangun, membawa angka XP1 melalui XP5. [29] Mobil-mobil kecil membawa perbedaan halus antara satu sama lain serta antara mobil-mobil jalan produksi. XP1 was the first publicly unveiled car, and later destroyed in the accident in Namibia . XP1 adalah mobil publik meluncurkan pertama, dan kemudian hancur dalam kecelakaan di Namibia . XP2 was used for crash testing and also destroyed. XP2 digunakan untuk pengujian kecelakaan dan juga hancur. Neither was ever painted. Tidak pernah dicat. XP3 did durability testing, XP4 stress tested the gearbox system and XP5 was a publicity car, all owned by McLaren; they were also used for publicity shots and tested by reporters. [ 29 ] All were painted a different colour, and each was able to be distinguished by its chassis code painted on the side rocker panel. XP3 melakukan pengujian daya tahan, XP4 stres menguji sistem gearbox dan XP5 adalah mobil publisitas, semuanya dimiliki oleh McLaren, mereka juga digunakan untuk gambar publisitas dan diuji oleh wartawan. [29] Semua dicat warna yang berbeda, dan masing-masing mampu dibedakan dengan kode sasis yang dicat pada panel rocker samping. XP4 was seen by many viewers of Top Gear when reviewed by Tiff Needell in the mid-1990s, while XP5 went on to be used in McLaren's famous top speed run. XP4 dilihat oleh banyak pemirsa Top Gear saat terakhir oleh Tiff Needell pada pertengahan 1990-an, sementara XP5 melanjutkan untuk digunakan dalam menjalankan kecepatan yang terkenal McLaren atas.[ edit ] Ameritech [ sunting ] Ameritech
The American model of the McLaren F1, the Ameritech McLaren F1 is a modified standard McLaren F1 to meet the US regulations; to comply with said regulations the car had to meet stricter emission requirements which increased the weight and also reduced the power somewhat. Model Amerika McLaren F1, yang Ameritech McLaren F1 adalah McLaren F1 standar diubah untuk memenuhi peraturan AS, untuk mematuhi peraturan mengatakan mobil harus memenuhi persyaratan emisi ketat yang meningkat berat dan juga mengurangi daya agak. Due to a lack of airbags for the passengers, the Ameritech edition only has the single driver seat in the middle. [ 14 ] Karena kurangnya airbag untuk penumpang, edisi Ameritech hanya memiliki kursi driver tunggal di tengah. [14][ edit ] F1 LM [ sunting ] F1 LM
Manufacturer Produsen | McLaren Automotive McLaren Otomotif |
Production Produksi | 1995 1995 5 produced (plus one prototype) 5 diproduksi (ditambah satu prototipe) |
Class Kelas | Sports car Mobil sport |
Body style Bentuk tubuh | 2-door 3-seat coupé 2-pintu 3-kursi coupe |
Layout Susunan | Rear mid-engine, rear-wheel drive Belakang mid-engine, rear-wheel drive |
Engine Mesin | 6.1 L V12 6.1 L V12 |
Transmission Transmisi | 6-speed manual 6-speed panduan |
Wheelbase Jarak roda | 2,718 mm (107.0 in) 2.718 mm (107.0 in) |
Length Panjang | 4,365 mm (171.9 in) 4.365 mm (171,9 dalam) |
Width Lebar | 1,820 mm (71.7 in) 1.820 mm (71,7 in) |
Height Tinggi | 1,120 mm (44.1 in) 1.120 mm (44,1 in) |
Curb weight Curb berat badan | 1,062 kg (2,341 lb) 1.062 kg (£ 2341) |
Designer Perancang | Gordon Murray Gordon Murray |
Main article: McLaren F1 LM Artikel utama: McLaren F1 LM
Only five McLaren F1 LM (LM for Le Mans ) cars were built in honour of the five McLaren F1 GTRs which finished the 1995 24 Hours of Le Mans , including taking the overall win. [ 30 ] Hanya lima McLaren F1 LM (LM untuk Le Mans ) mobil dibangun untuk menghormati lima F1 McLaren GTRs yang selesai 1995 24 Jam Le Mans , termasuk mengambil menang secara keseluruhan. [30] The weight was reduced by approximately 75 kg (165 lb) over that of original, through the removal of various pieces of trim and use of optional equipment. Berat badan berkurang sekitar 75 kg (165 lb) atas bahwa asli, melalui penghapusan berbagai potongan trim dan penggunaan peralatan opsional. The car also had a different transaxle , various aerodynamic modifications, specially-designed 18-inch (457 mm) magnesium alloy wheels and upgraded gearbox. Mobil juga memiliki yang berbeda transaxle , berbagai aerodinamis modifikasi, khusus dirancang 18-inci (457 mm) roda magnesium alloy dan gearbox upgrade. The F1 LM used the same engine as the 1995 F1 GTR, but without race-mandated restrictors , to produce 680 hp (507 kW; 689 PS). LM F1 menggunakan mesin yang sama dengan tahun 1995 F1 GTR, tetapi tanpa mandat ras- pembatas , untuk menghasilkan 680 hp (507 kW; 689 PS). It had a top speed of 225 mph (362 km/h), which is less than the standard version because of added aerodynamic drag, despite identical gear ratios. Ia memiliki kecepatan tertinggi 225 mph (362 km / jam), yang kurang dari versi standar karena drag aerodinamis menambahkan, meskipun rasio roda gigi identik. The LM is 76 kg (168 lb) lighter than the stock F1 – a total mass of 1,062 kg (2,341 lb) – achieved by having no interior noise suppression, no audio system, a very stripped-down base interior, no fan-assisted ground effect and no dynamic rear wing. LM adalah 76 kg (168 lb) lebih ringan dari F1 saham - massa total 1.062 kg (£ 2341) - dicapai dengan tidak memiliki penindasan kebisingan interior, tidak ada sistem audio, interior dasar yang sangat dilucuti-down, tidak ada kipas-dibantu efek tanah dan tidak ada sayap belakang dinamis. In the place of the small dynamic rear wing there is a considerably larger, fixed CFRP rear wing mounted on the back of the vehicle. Di tempat sayap belakang kecil dinamis ada, jauh lebih besar tetap CFRP sayap belakang dipasang di bagian belakang kendaraan.
The LM has the following performance figures: peak torque of 705.0 Nm (520.0 ft·lbf) at 4500 rpm and peak power of 680 PS (500 kW) at 7800 rpm, it has a redline at 8500 rpm. LM memiliki angka kinerja berikut: torsi puncak 705,0 Nm (520,0 ft lbf ·) pada 4500 rpm dan daya puncak 680 PS (500 kW) pada 7800 rpm, ia memiliki redline di 8500 rpm. The total weight of 1,062 kg (2,341 lb) gives the car a 110.16 bhp (82 kW; 112 PS) per litre ratio. [ 31 ] Berat total 1.062 kg (£ 2341) memberikan mobil bhp 110,16 (82 kW; 112 PS) per rasio liter. [31]
Officially recorded acceleration times are 0-60 mph (97 km/h) in 3.9 seconds and 0-100 mph (161 km/h) in 6.7 seconds. [ 32 ] The LM was once the holder of the 0-100-0 mph record, which it completed in 11.5 seconds when driven by Andy Wallace at the disused airbase RAF Alconbury in Cambridgeshire. [ 33 ] [ 34 ] Kali percepatan resmi direkam 0-60 mph (97 km / jam) dalam 3,9 detik dan 0-100 mph (161 km / h) dalam 6,7 detik. [32] LM pernah menjadi pemegang 0-100-0 mph catatan, yang diselesaikan dalam 11,5 detik ketika didorong oleh Andy Wallace di bekas pangkalan udara RAF Alconbury di Cambridgeshire. [33] [34]
The F1 LMs can be identified by their Papaya Orange paint. LMS F1 dapat diidentifikasi oleh mereka cat Jeruk Pepaya. The F1 LMs were painted in this colour in memory and tribute to Bruce McLaren , whose race colour was Papaya Orange. LMS F1 dicat warna ini dalam memori dan penghargaan kepada Bruce McLaren , yang ras warna Pepaya Jeruk.
Although only five F1 LMs were sold, a sixth chassis exists in the form of XP1 LM, the prototype for modifications to the existing F1 to form the new F1 LM. Meskipun hanya lima F1 LM terjual, sasis keenam ada dalam bentuk LM XP1, prototipe untuk modifikasi F1 yang ada untuk membentuk LM F1 baru. This car is also painted Papaya Orange and is retained by McLaren. This car, reportedly worth $4 million, was promised in 2008 by McLaren CEO Ron Dennis to his driver Lewis Hamilton if he should win two Formula One World Championship titles. [ 35 ] Hamilton has since won one World Championship.
[ edit ] F1 GT
The final incarnation of the roadcar, the F1 GT was meant as a homologation special. With increased competition from homologated sports cars from Porsche and Mercedes-Benz in the former BPR Global GT Series and new FIA GT Championship , McLaren required extensive modification to the F1 GTR in order to remain competitive. These modifications were so vast that McLaren would be required to build a production road-legal car on which to base the new race cars.The F1 GT featured the same extended rear bodywork as the GTRs for increased downforce and reduced drag, yet lacked the rear wing that had been seen on the F1 LM. [ 36 ] The downforce generated by the longer tail was found to be sufficient to not require the wing. The front end was also similar to the racing car, with extra louvers and the wheel fenders widened to fit larger wheels. The interior was modified and a racing steering wheel was included in place of the standard unit.
The F1 GTs were built from standard F1 road car chassis, retaining their production numbers. The prototype GT, known as XPGT, was F1 chassis #056, and is still kept by McLaren. The company technically only needed to build one car and did not even have to sell it. However, demand from customers drove McLaren to build two production versions that were sold. The customer F1 GTs were chassis #054 and #058.
[ edit ] Motorsports [ sunting ] Motorsports
Main article: McLaren F1 GTR
Following its initial launch as a road car, motorsports teams convinced McLaren to build racing versions of the F1 to compete in international series. Three different versions of the race car were developed from 1995 to 1997. [ 37 ] Many F1 GTRs, after the cars were no longer eligible in international racing series, were converted to street use. By adding mufflers, passenger seats, adjusting the suspension for more ground clearance for public streets, and removing the air restrictors, the cars were able to be registered for road use.
[ edit ] F1 GTR '95
Built at the request of race teams, such as those owned by Ray Bellm and Thomas Bscher , in order to compete in the BPR Global GT Series , the McLaren F1 GTR was a custom-built race car which introduced a modified engine management system that increased power output — however, air-restrictors mandated by racing regulations reduced the power back to 600 hp (447 kW) at 7500 RPM. [ 38 ] The car's extensive modifications included changes to body panels, suspension, aerodynamics and the interior. The F1 GTR would go on to take its greatest achievement with 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 13th places in the 1995 24 Hours of Le Mans , beating out custom built prototype sports cars. [ 37 ]In total, nine F1 GTRs would be built for 1995. [ 38 ]
[ edit ] F1 GTR '96
To follow up on the success of the F1 GTR into 1996, McLaren further developed the '95 model, leading to a size increase but weight decrease. [ 37 ] Nine more F1 GTRs were built to 1996 spec, while some 1995 cars were still campaigned by privateers. F1 GTR '96 chassis #14R is notable as being the first non-Japanese car to win a race in the All-Japan Grand Touring Car Championship (JGTC). The car was driven by David Brabham and John Nielsen . The weight was reduced with around 100 kg from the 1995 GTR edition and the engine was kept detuned at 600 HP to comply with racing regulations. [ 37 ][ edit ] F1 GTR '97
With the F1 GT homologated, McLaren could now develop the F1 GTR for the 1997 season. Weight was further reduced and a sequential transaxle was added. [ 37 ] The engine was slightly destroked to 6.0L instead of the previous 6.1L. Due to the heavily modified bodywork, the F1 GTR '97 is often referred to as the "Longtail" thanks to the rear bodywork being extended to increase rear downforce. A total of ten F1 GTR '97s were built. The weight was reduced to a total of 910 kg. [ 37 ][ edit ] Replicas and models
Kit car builder DDR Motorsport builds a kit that resembles the F1, based on the Toyota MR-2 SW20 Turbo .Certain die-cast scale models of the F1 are desirable among collectors. Most of these models are now out of production. Manufacturers of McLaren F1 models include AUTOart , UT Models , Maisto , Minichamps /Paul's Model Art, Guiloy, and Autobarn. Models have been produced in 1:87, 1:64, 1:43, 1:24, 1:18 and 1:12.
Among the most desirable of these models are the Minichamps 1:43 McLaren F1 GTR West Promotion model, and the UT Models 1:18 silver & dark blue McLaren F1 LMs.
There are also some 1:8 scale models made of the McLaren F1 LM & McLaren F1 GTR (Ueno Clinic 1995 Le Mans winner & Harrod's). These were built in the UK for www.CollectorStudio.Com and measure around 25" long
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